Monday, November 24, 2008

One Down...

So the launch week of Shoryuken! went pretty smoothly. We still have a few ideas we're trying to work out, but we're very gracious towards anyone who's given us a read and participated so far.

We've been added to the blog roll of Sparkle City Blogs, a project by Steve Shanafelt that compiles local blogs in our native Spartanburg, SC. So if you're in the area, definitely give him a shout out and he'll include you. This particular club's all inclusive.

Since you're here, do our friends over at Classic Gamer Brain a solid and give them a look-see as well. These guys have been at this game for a bit longer than we have. They even have podcasts. Bastards.

Also, if you comment or have commented, it'd be a good idea to e-mail subscribe to the post. Part of entire mission here is to inspire conversation and promote community amongst gamers. While we appreciate your involvement, conversation is obviously more than saying one thing. We definitely intend to respond to you, and others may follow suit as well. So stay and chat for a while. Bryant bites, but I'll keep you safe.

That's it, really. Just wanted to thanks those who have helped make our launch promising. It's very encouraging.

Who knew? You guys really are good for something!