Friday, November 28, 2008

It Begins...

It seems that everyone was too busy on Thanksgiving to post anything, myself included.  I did take a few minutes out of the day to play  Animal Crossing (but not enough time to actually save the holiday feast!)

So, now that Thanksgiving is over, it means that the onslaught of holiday shoppers, game deals, and gifts is upon us.  So, Shoryuken! asks...

"What games have you asked for this holiday season?"

Just leave us a comment and let us know!


Christopher George said...

well on the DS

Chrono Trigger

Castlevania Order of Ecclesia



Animal Crossing

some Wii points so I can download Mega Man 9

Really been doing the handheld thing most recently, so the DS stuff would probably get the most play.

Bryant Jackson said...

Sounds like a pretty solid list. I'm really interested in Ninjatown. I've been following it since it was announced but I haven't had the time to actually devote to it so it's been put on my Christmas list as well.

Since you've got Chrono Trigger on your list and I am going to guess you're a classic gamer. Well, I can say that you'll enjoy Mega Man 9 but just be prepared to have your ass handed to you. It's brutal.

Anonymous said...

Well, definitely Prince of Persia, but other than that I'm trying to buy another PS2.

I've played pretty much everything else, aside from Mirrors Edge, I'm just not sure that I'm going to have the time to play it anytime soon.

Myles Griffin said...

Christopher, download Mega Man 9. You won't regret it. Certainly one of the more sado-masochistic games you'll ever play, but goddamn if it it isn't rewarding.

Prince of Persia's on my TO BUY list, as well as Persona 4. But I'm asking for:

Chrono Trigger DS
Mirror's Edge (PS3)
Shaun White Snowboarding (PS3) - What? I'm curious.
Dead Space (PS3)
Fallout 3 (PS3)

Other than that, I'm just trying to play catch-up.