Thursday, December 11, 2008

Good Weather for Melodrama

Christ, all this rain is killing me.  If it's not the inability to walk anywhere downtown, it's the fucking retarded drivers on 85.  Hard to believe a little water added 20 minutes to my commute.  If today is slow, expect me to churn out a few things for you kids to read.

All this rainy weather has me in the mood for a great RPG.  Maybe I'll pick Persona 4 up on the way hone tonight...


Myles Griffin said...

Are you insinuating Person is melodrama, sir?

Anonymous said...

Myles, do we get an extra discount this weekend or something? Brian said something about it but he was just mumbling. If so, I'm going to wait until tomorrow to pick that up.

Myles Griffin said...

I believe we get 25% the 14th and 15th..or something like that.

Anonymous said...

